Saturday, June 4, 2011


I started attending reiki sessions a couple of months ago.  I was very skeptical.  While I believe in things and people having energy - I can definitely feel tension in a room, or complete and utter love - I had a hard time wrapping my brain around someone changing my energy with their hands hovering above my body.  It seemed too "new age" for me.  A friend of mine is a reiki master and offered me a session.  I walked in his home in a bad shape.  I had taken ill the day before.  I was sore and yucky feeling.  It hurt to bend over or even move.  I laid down on the table.  There was lovely dim lighting and light music playing.  I closed my eyes and let my other senses do the rest.  I was told that I might feel something heat or tingling sensations in different areas.  I felt a lot of heat and tingling in my right thigh and my belly.  I could feel the energy flowing from his hand to my head, or vice verse, while it hovered above me.  It was surreal.  Lucky for my friendship, he threw in a back massage to get out some knots.  I was there for almost about an hour and a half.  When I stood up I anticipated the pain that had been haunting me all day.  Nope.  I could barely feel a little sensation in my lower back.  The rest was gone.  I was amazed and sold.  I am now a lover of reiki. 
Benefits for the expectant mama
Reiki has been known to do the following - 
Relieved stress, nausea, exhaustion and morning sickness.
Improved the quality of sleep, especially in later pregnancy.
Relieved pain from swelling and achiness.
Claims have been made that reiki has shortened labor and delivery times.

Reiki has also been known to help with postpartum depression. 

Reiki can also be very soothing for babies, as well as children. 

Regular treatments of Reiki during pregnancy will help the mother’s and the baby’s body maintain its natural balance, chemical and physiological.

*Again, I am not a doctor or midwife.  Please consult your caregiver when making treatment decisions. 

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